<aside> <img src="/icons/circle-alternate_orange.svg" alt="/icons/circle-alternate_orange.svg" width="40px" />

Project Overview

kiosk vector.png

Challenge: Prototype an interactive kiosk that’s unique for the marketplace, feasible, and desirable for a target context and audience.

Time: 4 weeks Tools: Figma, Adobe Illustrator Team: Jasmine Tran, Daniel Andrews, Marcos Montano

try clickable prototype

view video demo

[1] Opportunity

[2] User Research

[3] Lo-Fi Wireframes

[4] Hi-Fi Prototype

[5] Conclusion


[1] Opportunity

In order to find a solution to our challenge, we had to scope out areas that might desire a unique kiosk. We recognized that challenges = opportunities.

We conducted fieldwork interviews at a gym in order to identify problems. We recognized three pain points from the 6 interviewees:

view interviews

[2] User Research

After discovering a potential opportunity in gyms, we created personas in order to have a representation of our target users:

A4-Kiosk Wizards.png

A4-Kiosk Wizards (1).png

We then created storyboards to visually map out the users’ frustrations and see if the problems were relatable and if the proposed solutions were desired.

We conducted additional interviews from the same users as our fieldwork:

view interviews

[3] Lo-Fi Wireframes

Based on our pain points, we decided our kiosk would have three main functions:

  1. A way to see available equipment updated in real-time
  2. Workout plans curated to beginner gym goers goals
  3. A way for gym goers to manage their gym membership without the assistance of staff

Default Screen.png

iPad Pro 11_ - Workout Plans.png

iPad Pro 11_ - See Available Equipment.png

iPad Pro 11_ - Workout Plans - Full Body Workout.png

iPad Pro 11_ - Manage Membership.png

We tested our low fidelity wireframes with users, taking note of what worked and what didn’t:

view testing

Key Notes:

Early Physical Prototype


unnamed (1).png

unnamed (2).png

We created our physical prototype using cardboard to get an idea of the dimensions and the shapes we would need to laser cut.